Why write when i can shout?
Why does anyone write anything anymore? Wouldn't it be easier to just stand on the proverbial soap box and shout your message to the masses passing you by? Surely more people would get the message than would by putting that same message in three hundred pages and trying to sell it for $24.95 a pop! Or...maybe not. It's hard to say since we have no idea what the message is and whether or not it's relevant to our daily lives. In college I heard, "Be concise" once too often and left for a more understanding education in the real world. BIG MISTAKE, but to find out more, you'll have to read about it in my latest book, "How I Screwed Myself Before THEY Could", by blah, blah, blah publishers. Hey, it might work, it sounded good for a minute there, right? By using the platform given, the blog as the soap box, I could give a quick glimpse of the product's "meat", and push you to buy it as well. Why? Because I hope to make a trillion bucks on this book and never work again! What? You think I should keep my day job? Sorry, don't have one. Writing is it and I really don't expect to make a trillion, billion, million, or thousand bucks off of it. I'd be happy to see my book on the shelf of the library and know I will get .25 cents for each edition printed. That would be cool because I go to the library a lot, and think it would be neat to say something, like, "Hey, this picture looks a lot like me!" while patrons walk behind me and look over my shoulder at the cover shot and then at me, smiling. So, I write with the hope of being narcissistic in public, rather than making a bunch of money and being rich and narcissistic in public.
Whatever reason you have for writing you should use every means possible to make your writing the best it can be, and to do that you need to utilize every means at your disposal to find out how. This blog for instance...first one I've ever started and I have no idea how well it'll do, or if anyone will add to it. Hope so, but just can't be sure. I'll try to make it fun, interesting, educational, and above all, useful. So, come often and help me out along the way. That's how this nation became so strong - people working together with one goal in mind. Let's give it a whirl and see what happens. I'll dedicate all the time I can to this blog, the rest I'll use to work on my book. All you have to do is show up now and again, check it all out and drop a few lines on what you're writing about or a problem you're facing, or anything directly or indirectly linked to writing. Let's let the other blogs deal with politics, war, foreign affairs, sordid affairs, and bad choices. Let us work on our writing and publishing, our ability to entertain and enlighten through the gift of the mighty word on paper. Or on the screen if you prefer to use a word processing program as do I. They just make it easier to rewrite, correct, rewrite, put in order, rewrite, and write one more time just for kicks. Paper would cost the nation a forest just for the title I've started this time out!
A public works?
I might start a new public project that might be pretty cool...or not. It depends on the world at large - whcih is to say, I'll start writing a novel on this blog and save it to a separate page. All are invited to add or change what i write and we'll see if a book appears or just a bunch of disjointed thoughts from around the world. Try to spell correctly okay? I hate using spell checker for hours because people are too lazy to spell right. "S" is not the same as "Z", so "rids" is not the same as "ridz" which isn't a word anywhere in the world, except the mind of the fool who misspells English words by using phonics. This sight is in English and should be kept that way so I understand what is being said! Plus, I'm not switching my keyboard to Outer Mongolian for the sake of few lines from Shakespeare in its original...wait a second! Shakespeare wasn't from Outer Mongolia! Geez, for a second I thought I had to finish the conversion!
Anyway, we might give it a try in a week or three, if all goes well until then.
Let me know what you think of that idea...would it be fun? educational? mind-blowing? up-lifting? a waste of time and talent? Don't be shy, I don't bite since losing my teeth in a barroom brawl! Jardenep - owner